Prismatic is about reflexes and quickly matching the color of the approaching sphere to the correct side of the prism. You rotate the prism by swiping left and right on your device. The game begins with a single color to get you ready. Difficulty increases as the approaching spheres gain speed and the prism moves up and down and side to side.
In higher levels, you must deal with spheres of multiple colors, increasing speed, and faster spawn rates until you can no longer react fast enough.
There are several strategies to employ. First off, we’ve included a mini-map to give you an idea of where the spheres are coming from. Next, you can receive multiple hits before the game is over. And your hits reset with each level-up. So think carefully before matching the first color that comes into view.
Finally, Prismatic is about fun. We’ve included a number of level changes to keep it interesting. And we have more ideas for future versions (which you’ll get automatically when we release updates). If you have ideas for a level, or a certain type of difficulty you think would be fun. Send us a message. We’re always interested in adding enhancements and more fun. Check out some of the screenshots below.
Download Prismatic for both iPhone and iPad on the Apple App Store. Coming soon for Android.
Questions / Assistance:
There are currently three settings that can be changed prior to starting a game. The first two relate to the control or ‘feel’ of the prism rotation. You can set the mass to feel heavier or lighter based on your preference. You can also set the angular drag to slow quickly or spin forever (out of control). I’ve set these to where I think they feel best, but you may have other ideas or preferences. Go Wild! The last setting, Flat Light, relates to the lighting of the scene. There are a number of spot lights used to illuminate the scene. In harder levels, the prism will move to areas of the screen that may not be well lit. Toggling on Flat Light, turns on lighting that illuminates the entire scene.
Settings and High Scores are saved locally on your device. You can use the Reset buttons to return to an initial state. If you reset your high scores, I can not retrieve them since I do not collect any data from your app. Have fun and enjoy the game. Let me know if you have ideas for improvement or any other feedback.