App Details:
We do not collect, process, or store any personal data from any of our games on any platform.
Our games collect non-personal data using integrated third-party services for achievements, leaderboards, and cloud saves such as Apple iCloud and GameCenter, Google Play services, Steam Cloud / Leaderboards / Stats and Achievements, Nintendo Cloud saves, Sony Cloud saves / Leaderboards, and Microsoft Cloud saves / Leaderboards. Such data is stored in these third-party services. We do not store personal or gameplay data on our servers. These services have their own privacy policies.
Our games collect, use, and disclose non-personal data from underage users in the same way as for other users, as described in this policy. Use of underage users’ data is limited to support internal operations of the game or application. Parents can learn more about how we handle data by contacting us.
We don’t use any in-app purchases and we don’t place any advertisements in our games.
We use Google Analytics and it’s cookies in our websites.
Web Site Details:
When contacting us through this website, we will use any data collected from you for the purpose of answering your questions and/or requests or protecting our rights. Your data may be stored for as long as 10 years. Also your personal data can be transferred to administrative offices/authorities, courts, or law enforcement authorities, if we are required to do so by law or if we want to protect our rights. If we process your personal data, you have the right to access the personal data, restrict the processing of personal data, or erasure of personal data.
We reserve the right to alter the Privacy Policy at any time. If we make a material change of the Privacy Policy, we will notify you about the change on our website.